Wildlife Conservation

Battling The Many Threats To Save The Great Indian Bustards In Their Last Stronghold In The Thar Grasslands

The Great Indian Bustard, a bird that once dwelled across large parts of the Indian subcontinent, has now lost over 90% of its range. It is racing towards extinction, with the grasslands of the Thar Desert in Rajasthan being its last remaining home and hope. Even this landscape is now riddled with threats. Outside the […]

The JALCHAR Mobile App Launched To Protect Marine Life

In 2023, a blue whale calf weighing around 5 tons was discovered stranded on a beach near Ganpatipule in Ratnagiri. However, despite great attempts made to rescue it and send it back into deep waters, the calf could not survive. According to experts, the blue whale calf had remained out of water for too long […]

Lesser Floricans, The Vanishing Birds Of The Disappearing Grasslands

As the monsoon rains drench one of the last remaining grasslands in Rajasthan, the male of one of India’s fastest-disappearing bird species makes its move to woo the female. It folds its legs and shoots vertically upwards to about 2 to 3 metres above the grass, with its partly open wings fluttering and producing a […]

Critically Endangered Vultures Find New Home And Hope In Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve, Maharashtra

It was a bright, sunny summer morning. I was waiting, all excited, at the Moharli Safari Gate of the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR). I was there to meet the reserve’s new residents—ten gorgeous white-rumped vultures and the BNHS vulture conservation research team stationed there. The vultures had been transported from the Jatayu Conservation Breeding Center […]

Linear Infrastructure Fragments One Of The Last Homes Of India’s Threatened Ape Species – The Western Hoolock Gibbon

It was a beautiful, calm spring morning in February. Lush tea gardens carpeted the landscape on either side of the road through which the car was passing. I was travelling from Jorhat town towards the Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary in the Jorhat District of Assam to set my eyes on a highly threatened species – the […]

Addressing The Impact Of Linear Infrastructure On Wildlife: An Interview With Conservationist Kishor Rithe

In recent times, heart-wrenching photos of wild animals, dead or dying on highways and railway tracks in India, have flooded social media. These pictures portray the stark reality – the massive issue of the country’s growing appetite for linear infrastructure and its catastrophic consequences on wildlife. Linear infrastructure refers to railways, highways, canals, pipelines, electric […]

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